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Jermaine Jones won over both viewers and the judges with his nervous and sweet personality, but it was his powerful voice that earned him a ticket to L.A.
Visibly nervous, Jermaine was still able to wow Randy, J-LO and Steven
One of the most adorable auditionees of American Idol Season 11 was Jermaine Jones in Portland. He was so nervous! He was visibly sweating his butt off. Poor guy. But he sang “Superstar,” which we always think of as a Carpenters song, but he did the Luther version. And it was great.
Randy said of the audition, “When you show the dynamics, with the low, with the power, with the softness, I love it” and Randy added, “It’s a natural gift that you have in the way that you sing that you don’t hear every day.”
He reminded us more than a little of Paul Robeson. What did you think, Idol fans?