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Want a sneak peek at what Claudia will be sharing at the Bloom Inspiration Summit? Join her for a live virtual meditation on Monday, September 12 at 7:00 p.m. via Zoom
Then you don’t want to miss the Bloom Inspiration Summit on Saturday, September 24 at the Queen Elizabeth Theatre.
This amazing event features seven inspirational speakers, including energy healer, Claudia Chirico. For more than 15 years, Claudia has helped others connect to their mind, body and spirit.
Want a sneak peek at what Claudia will be sharing at the Bloom Inspiration Summit? Join her for a Live Virtual Meditation on Monday, September 12 at 7:00 p.m. via Zoom.
On September 12, Claudia will be leading a guided self-healing meditation, allowing you to align, awaken and attune into the infinite wisdom within your body. She will create a safe space, supporting you in surrendering all your stress and worry, calming your mind in stillness and space, allowing it time to rest, recover and rejuvenate.
You will use your breath to ease your mind, relax your body, allowing you to tune in deeper within yourself, your soul self—listening, feeling, seeing, sensing and revealing what your body is ready to release.
Claudia will support you in cleansing and purifying all stagnant emotions that no longer serve your higher purpose. In this release, there is ease in connecting and communicating to your higher self, your unlimited power and potential, gaining clarity, knowledge, and guidance in living to fulfill and express your best life.
Awaken to the truth that you exist to extend your treasures, extend only your loving thoughts, allowing your actions to express and manifest the good, the beautiful and the holy within you.
Join Claudia for this complimentary event on Monday, September 12 at 7:00 pm via Zoom for a sneak peek on how to empower yourself to expand your full potential. Please sign up in the form below.