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Find out why brown fat is often referred to as the "good" fat
Ever since researchers discovered that lean and younger individuals have a higher percentage of brown fat compared to white fat, the focus has been on how we can increase the brown fat levels.
Brown fat is commonly found in lesser amounts than white fat in adult humans. It burns energy and produces heat, while white fat acts predominantly as a storage site for energy (calories). This brown fat, also called adipose tissue, is found around organs that have high metabolic activity, such as the adrenal glands, liver and kidneys.
While some adults can have high amounts of brown fat, which may be related to genetics, people with a more lean body mass or a low body-mass index (BMI) tend to have more brown fat.
Health practitioners advise that the best solution is for people to manage their lifestyle habits by following a balanced diet and including daily activity to stimulate all your fat cells.