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Males dealing with symptoms directly related to masculine growth and development could be feeling a lack of testosterone
All the gym-time in the world can’t solve testosterone deficiency symptoms
Male hypogonadism, more commonly referred to as testosterone deficiency, is a condition where your body does not produce enough testosterone. While it can begin at any stage in life and will directly affect masculine growth and development, it tends to be more common in men over 45.
According to Dr. Jeff Stein, a B.C.-based doctor and former Canadian Freestyle Ski Team physician, the first step in treating the syndrome is to understand that the symptoms can be medically treated.
“While many women are used to going to the doctor for regular checkups, men are not programmed that way,” says Dr. Stein. “It’s only when men find that their lifestyle is being impacted that they reach out to the experts.”
The symptoms of testosterone deficiency vary and can creep up gradually, according to Dr. Stein. Symptoms include feeling constantly tired and grumpy, having a low libido, decreased erections, difficulty in building muscle mass despite weight training, poor memory and concentration and a tendency to put on weight.
To determine whether a man is suffering from testosterone deficiency requires a simple blood test, along with a thorough review of symptoms and medical and genetic history.
Once a thorough check has been completed, there are a number of ways to increase testosterone levels.
While stress reduction and better sleep can help, testosterone replacements such as gels, creams and injections are other options. However, you should seek advice before using these as there could be risks associated with taking them.
Following any testosterone supplement program, the doctor will schedule regular visits with the patient to check his overall well-being, libido, memory and muscle mass.
Dr. Stein says the good news is that the safety profile of testosterone replacement looks promising but warns that a man should not be taking testosterone if trying to conceive. He recommends that anyone experiencing symptoms of testosterone deficiency should seek medical advice from a physician.
Originally published in Wellness Matters, Canada Wide Media’s quarterly newsletter on health and wellness.