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Take the edge off holiday stress and sadness with these tips
Don’t let holiday depression rob you of Christmas joy
For all its beauty, the holiday season is not without its darker side, including short days, crowded stores, exhaustion, loneliness, family tension and pressure to spend.
These factors can have a depressing effect on anyone, but they pose a special risk for people who already suffer from depression. In fact, about 15% of Canadians report persistent feelings of sadness during the winter.
Make a point of being especially kind to yourself during the holiday season :
Typical symptoms of depression include lack of energy, disrupted eating and sleeping patterns, an inability to concentrate, lethargy or fidgetiness, lack of hope, feelings of guilt and an inability to enjoy anything.
Don’t let depression rob you of your enjoyment of life and don’t be embarrassed about asking for help. If sadness has been lingering much too long, see your doctor.
Originally published in Wellness Matters, Canada Wide Media’s quarterly newsletter on health and wellness.