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Use these eight tips to lose weight while still partaking in Vancouver's culinary landscape
Eating out can be enjoyable and guilt-free
In this guest post, fitness expert Christian Finn of Muscle Evo shares eight simple tips to enjoy yourself while eating out and not worry about the scale.
One slice quickly leads to another, and before you know it you’ve eaten the lot. If you can’t deal with the temptation, ask the waiter to take it away.
An untouched buffet table looks so tempting. But once everyone else has taken what they want, the food looks far less tasty.
Studies show that soup (broth-based rather than cream-based) curbs your appetite, reducing your calorie intake during subsequent courses.
Ask your waiter to leave out “starchy” carbohydrates, such as pasta, rice, and potatoes, and instead ask for twice as many vegetables. Vegetables have a low energy density, which means they fill you up on fewer calories.
Choose a meal that contains a protein-rich food, such as chicken, turkey, fish or meat, as protein does a better job at filling you up than carbohydrate or fat.
If your meal comes with a sauce or dressing, ask for it on the side and simply dab your fork in the sauce and then pick up your food. This lets you enjoy the sauce but limits the amount. You’ll get some of the flavour with only a fraction of the calories.
If you’re into creamy pasta dishes, order it with a side of steamed vegetables, mix the vegetables into the main dish, and then eat only half the combined meal. Not only will you cut the calories almost in half, you’ll boost your intake of antioxidants and fiber.
Alcohol contains calories and can stimulate your appetite as well as reduce any inhibitions you might have about overeating. You don’t need to cut out alcohol completely, but if you’re trying to lose weight, cut your intake in half. The simple way to do this is alternate whatever you’re drinking with water or some other low-calorie drink.