Healthy Dessert Recipes

Want to enjoy some guilt-free culinary pleasures? Try these delicious dessert recipes

Credit: Flickr/Ruth Ellison

These delicious desserts really are healthy

It is possible to have your cake and eat it too with these healthy dessert recipes

Gourmet Nutrition Healthy Dessert RecipesIn the spirit of giving I’ve got a fantastic gift for you foodies. You can download this free ebook of Gourmet Nutrition desserts.

The book was written by John Berardi, a leading nutrition authority, and Jason Grenci.

Many folks think personal trainers are always grinches when it comes to desserts and I’d like to change that perception.

You can indulge occasionally without adding inches to your waistline, and these recipes can help you do that.

These 44 desserts taste great and are health-conscious for a few reasons:



  1. They contain protein.
  2. They are sugar-free.
  3. They contain healthy fats.
  4. They are lower in calories than most other desserts.
  5. They’re made with natural, additive-free ingredients.

Happy Holidays and I wish you a very healthy and fit 2011!

Click the following link to download your ebook: Gourmet Nutrition Desserts