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Keep the pounds off this winter by being more selective about the foods you eat
If you’re looking to avoid putting on pounds this winter, be selective about the comfort foods you indulge in
The long winter days are rolling in. Time to fatten up for the winter . . . or is it really an inevitable fate? As the days grow darker and colder, the tendency to pursue comforting behaviours increases.
The list of favourite comfort foods can be extremely wide-ranging. Some choose warm, soft, easy-to-digest wholesome meals like mom or grandma used to make. Mashed potatoes, warm apple desserts, chicken pot pie, mac and cheese or other wintery casseroles are common comforts, for example.
To others, a quick boost of sugar, often from foods that combine sugar and fat such as chocolate cake or hot chocolate, bring the most comfort. Foods high in sugar, a form of simple carbohydrate, enter the bloodstream quickly and not only provide a temporary energy boost but also increase the production of the feel-good hormone serotonin.
To prevent winter weight gain there are lower-calorie and calorie-free ways to create a comforting feeling. In addition to healthier comfort foods, increasing exercise, ensuring adequate sleep, managing stress and increasing exposure to light can help.
Originally published in Wellness Matters, Canada Wide Media’s quarterly newsletter on health and wellness.