Choose Kiwi Fruit as a Banana Alternative?

Bananas tasting a little bland? Exoticisize your fruit snack with a kiwi

Credit: Pink Sherbet Photography

Just one cup of kiwi fruit packs as much potassium as a banana

Kiwi, the exotic fruit shaped like a fuzzy brown egg and filled with green, tangy-sweet flesh, is an excellent food choice. It’s also a great banana alternative.

Just one cup of kiwi fruit packs as much potassium as a banana 
(552 mg), 164 mg of vitamin C, 
154 IU of vitamin A and 2.5 mg of vitamin E. It also contains 2 g of protein and 5.3 g of dietary fibre, making it an excellent portable snack. Kiwi also contains an enzyme that dissolves protein, making it a fine meat tenderizer: simply mash a ripe kiwi, spread over the meat and refrigerate for 30 minutes before cooking.

Although the skin is edible, most people prefer to cut kiwi fruit in half and scoop out the flesh and seeds with a spoon. It’s also a delicious addition to fruit salads, smoothies or green salads.

When purchasing kiwi, look for fruit that yields to slight pressure, or allow the fruit to sit on the counter for a few days (out of direct sunlight) until it is ripe.

Allergy alert: Kiwi is a potential allergen for some people. Symptoms can range from an itchy, tingly mouth to difficulty breathing. Kiwi allergy appears to be linked to latex allergies and hay fever, so people with these known sensitivities should avoid kiwi fruit.

Originally published in Wellness Matters, Canada Wide Media’s quarterly newsletter on health and wellness.