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Artichokes act as a blood purifier and can lower cholesterol, triglyceride (a type of fat) levels and other metabolic waste products.
Being physically fit may reduce the risk and severity of colds.
Green bell peppers have twice as much vitamin C as oranges, while red and yellow bell peppers have four times as much.
Health Canada advises not to use teeth-whitening products for more than 14 days without consulting a dental professional.
Switching from a 12-inch plate to a 10-inch plate can result in a weight loss of almost one kilogram per month.
Physical activity is the best bone builder; the more weight and stress applied to bones, the more they grow.
Eating breakfast can control appetite all day.
You should consume no more than 2,300 mg of sodium (about 1 teaspoon/5 mL of table salt) a day in food preparation and at the table.
Originally published in Wellness Matters, Canada Wide Media’s quarterly newsletter on health and wellness.