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Excessive daily sitting can be more hazardous to your health than smoking. Here are some tips to sit less each day while staying productive
Getting up and stretching regularly throughout the day can help you live longer
I don’t want to sound like an alarmist and tell you that your desk job is going to kill you, but the evidence shows that sitting for too long each day can have some serious health consequences.
A Canadian study, two American studies and an Australian paper all showed similar connections between sitting and poor health. The scariest conclusion is that the effects are independent of your physical activity levels. It appears you are at risk even if you exercise regularly but still sit for long periods each day.
The risks really increase if you sit for longer than eight hours each day, so reducing your total sitting time each day to four hours or less is advised. If you work at an office, it can be a challenge to cut down on sitting between commuting, work and leisure time at home.
This treadmill desk was built by the Barefoot Executive, Carrie Wilkerson, and her father with only $50 of plywood and some ingenuity.
Now it’s likely your boss isn’t going to retrofit the entire office with walking desks so here are some other, cheaper options to sit less each day:
At Work
At Home
I realize all these options may not work for everyone. But much like a diet, small changes can make a difference so do what you can.