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If you've never cooked with quinoa, or just haven't found a recipe you love, you've got to try this incredibly delicious and easy to prepare dish for dinner tonight!
This vegetarian recipe is easy to prepare and incredibly delicious, and high in protein thanks to the hearty quinoa
This was my third attempt at making quinoa. My first two attempts failed miserably and my husband asked me never to make it again.
Then last summer we tried the Boathouse’s new Westcoast Lifestyle healthy choices menu which had a number of delicious dishes featuring quinoa, and I was given the green light to give it another try.
I’ve looked at the container of quinoa sitting in my cupboard numerous times since then but didn’t feel inspired to use it until I came across this recipe I’d copied from somewhere a few years ago.
I made this on a gloriously sunny day when something fresh was called for, and it was crazy good. Neither of us could wait to dig into our lunches the next day and have the leftovers.
Serves 6