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Italian Day returns to Commercial Drive Sunday, June 6.
Vancouver’s first Italian Day on the Drive since 1982 is Sunday, June 6.
For the first time since 1982, Italian Day returns to Vancouver’s Little Italy Sunday, June 6, 2010. The one-day car-free festival will begin at noon and run until 8 p.m. on Commercial Drive, which will close to vehicles between Venables St at the north end and the Grandview Cut at the south. (First Avenue will remain open to traffic.)
The length of the Drive will correspond to the various regions of Italy, from north to south, and displays will feature food demonstrations (and visitor participation). At the Grant St stage, check out grape stomping, pasta eating, pizza tossing and tiramisu competitions. Businesses will also serve regional Italian cuisine, as well as food representing other cultural backgrounds.
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Locations include Commercial Drive from Venables Street to the Grandview Cut, as well as the surrounding side streets and parks.
While the food is undoubtedly the big draw, there is plenty else happening. Grandview Park will be transformed into a kids’ zone, with minature car races courtesy of Friends of Ferrari, crafts, facepainting, soccer tournaments and more.
Don’t miss performances by City Opera Vancouver and Federico Fuoco of Federico’s Supper Club, among other singers and dancers. There will also be art, scooter and bicycle displays, history lessons, fashion shows, bocce games and more. You can also enter to win trips to Italy (in the Old World) and Little Italy (in Toronto).
Check in at any major display for your map and program, or visit the event office located at Il Mercado (1641 Commercial Dr at East 1st Ave).
As parking near the Drive is limited, visitors may park at the Italian Cultural Centre (3075 Slocan St), from which free shuttlebus service to the Drive will be available (contact the Commercial Drive Business Society for more information). You may also park at Britannia Elementary (1110 Cotton Dr).
Italian Day is a joint effort between the Commercial Drive Business Society and the Italian Cultural Centre, which is also hosting Vancouver’s Italian Week, June 20-26, 2010.