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Take a spin through this audio slideshow of June's Critical Mass ride.
As a follow-up to my post previewing the “Velo-City” exhibit at the Museum of Vancouver, I asked photographer Jenn Perutka to hit the streets to capture images and voices from riders taking part in June’s Critical Mass.
Capping Bike Month, the June event is probably one of the most popular of the year, though the wheels spin year-round. All are welcome to participate in the monthly event, as the website attests:
You are invited to come with us and enjoy the safety and comfort that we create by simply riding together. Families too! dress us, bring sidewalk chalk, bring musical instruments, or just be part of the fun.
Now, click-on for an audio tour of June’s Critical Mass, accompanied by Jenn’s photo essay.
Granville magazine hits Critical Mass for
June Bike Month in Vancouver, BC.
Photos by Jenn Perutka, curated by Rob McMahon