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A one-of-a-kind holiday shopping fete with cupcakes, music by DJ Sincerely Hana, half-off coupons and door prizes.
Lily & Jae and One of a Few are extending an invitation to a one-of-a-kind Christmas party with cupcakes, music by DJ Sincerely Hana and other perks, such as a box of gift certificates and coupons for up to 50% off so guests can choose their own presents. As well, the first 10 guests to arrive receive door prizes.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
354 Water St, Vancouver
5–9 p.m.
Jude Feller’s inspiration for Lily & Jae was a concept of boy meets girl—contemporary clothing that encompasses both chic and tomboy styles. After working in wardrobe for the Vancouver film industry, Feller launched Lily & Jae in 2007, and though the label is still designed and manufactured in Vancouver, it has gained international recognition. The clothing has been spotted on celebrities such as Lily Allen, Amy Smart and Sara Polley and has been featured in Teen Vogue, British Glamour and Nylon.
One of a Few (and its next door sister store Two of a Few) carries exclusive men’s and women’s fashions from new designers that can’t be found in other stores. With a meticulously chosen inventory of quirky fashion gems, One of a Few carries other treats, too, such as cruelty-free RGB nail polish, Portland General Store aftershave and handmade terrariums. One of a Few was one of the featured vendors this year at Vancouver’s Toque Craft Sale.
Michelle Kay is a citizen of the world. Aside from creative writing, she has an affinity for activism, concept art, film and choreography. Read one of Michelle’s short stories here.