BC Living
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9 Essential Winter Beauty and Skincare Products
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The Best Gifts for Homebodies in 2024
How do you pack for six months in the Arctic while restricted to two bags?
Looking at my pile, I have designer gumboots, Felco pruners, sunscreen (three kinds), garden gloves, winter boots, snow pants, two jackets, three hats, snowshoes, winter mitts . . . it doesn’t matter how many times I refold, squish or sit, it is not going to fit.
I re-read the baggage limits four times and have decided I am simply going to be over – I figure everyone who flies north must do this. There is nothing here that I am willing to go without . . .
Fast forward two days to the Air North counter: Sheena with one large suitcase (marked heavy), blue backpack (marked heavy), computer bag and carry-on (rather large). Even after the surrendering of the bug spray – which I heard is a must-have – I am still over by 40 pounds and an overweight carry-on bag . . . but they were very good about it.
After I got on the plane, I realized everybody must be over their limit as this was first time that I had ever been on a plane where the empty seats were filled with cargo and bags.
The flight was smooth, although I admit I am a nervous flyer. We spent the night in Whitehorse, which is lovely. Early in the morning we headed up to Dawson City, then Old Crow and finally Inuvik.