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Are native BC plants more disease and insect resistant than ornamentals?
Native plants that remain in their native locations, where they were naturalized over centuries, often develop resistance to local insects and diseases. These natural defences become insignificant though if a native plant is put into a new setting, such as an urban garden. Native plants will thrive in your urban garden if you live in an environment close to their natural setting can create an environment similar to their natual setting. When should native BC plants be used? Without any question, plants native to BC should be used in environments that simulate their wild setting, especially where they will be undisturbed. Examples are in the rebuilding of green spaces, such as parks; in repairing the banks of streams and rivers; along highways and in reclamation of industrial sites such as mines – and in home gardens. Do native BC plants require less water? Again, native plants are like other plants. Some require water year round, others cope with extremes of water and drought, while still others prefer a dry environment. The key question is, what is the plant’s natural environment, regardless of where it comes from? Do native BC plants attract wildlife? Yes. However, berry producing plants might encourage visits from wildlife that could put humans and pets at risk. Where can you buy native BC plants? Do not harvest from the wild. Buy plants at your local garden centre! BC’s wholesale growers provide a wide selection of plants that garden centres can order. Click here for more information about native BC plants.