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Enhance your daily diet with fresh, homemade greens powder
Packed with vitamins and minerals, greens powder can add more nutrients to your everyday meals
Making greens powder takes a bit of time, but it brings the feeling of summer to gloomy mornings. As an addition to smoothies, yogurt or juice, greens powder increases nutrient content considerably with vitamins A, C, K, B12, and a heaping helping of essential minerals and anti-oxidants.
At the farmers market I love picking up bunches of carrots with greens intact, french breakfast radishes with an abundant bouquet of leaves, besides all the wild greens, bitter greens, Asian greens, oh boy!
I tend to get carried away and my crisper does often overflow. Rather than letting anything go bad, I just start filling the trays of my dehydrator. Every week, another load of greens gets dried, ground and added to a jar. Within a couple months, as quickly as summer flies by, the jar fills up. It takes a bit of patience but the result is a super-powered, nutrient dense powder.
Greens on the dehydrator and the final product. Images by Jenn Chic
Up the anti-oxidants in your powder with green tea powder, dried rose hips, dried blueberries or acai berries. Pulse them in a clean coffee grinder first if you’re worried about your blender’s ability to break them down.
Without a dehydrator, most greens can be dried in an oven overnight with just the pilot light on or at the very lowest setting. Many herbs will dry on the counter, out of drafts and direct sunlight, when placed on a sheet of newspaper or a screen.