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Make a batch of homemade ketchup that's just to your taste and doesn't contain any preservatives
Grab some fresh, local tomatoes and whip up a batch of perfect ketchup
You’ll find a bottle of tomato ketchup in the refrigerator of just about every home and on the tables of most eating establishments.
But since it’s the season for fresh, local tomatoes, it makes sense to make a batch at home that’s just to your taste and doesn’t contain any preservatives.
The trick to good homemade ketchup is the consistency. Reduce the recipe slowly over low heat and remember that the ketchup will thicken more once removed from the heat and cooled, so reduce a bit less than you think you need to.
To get the most out of even the freshest tomatoes, slow roast them in the oven, then remove the peel and seeds before chopping. This will deepen the flavours and bring out the natural sugars.
If you have a gigantic crop of tomatoes, you can easily scale up this recipe. Just remember to be a bit more judicious when spicing. You can then put some of the ketchup in the freezer for later if you don’t feel like going through the more labour-intensive canning process.
Originally published in Edible Vancouver magazine.