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Healthy cabbage makes a great addition to a stir fry dish
Use up your leftover veggies in this chili chicken stir fry
Just like I can never seem to finish a bunch of cilantro or parsley before it goes bad, coleslaw often meets a similar fate in my fridge. I had leftover coleslaw from making fish tacos and was determined to find another use for the leftovers.
My husband recently bought some hot chili sauce and was hoping it would make an appearance in an upcoming meal so, with some chicken breasts I had in the freezer, I decided to make a stir fry.
This meal was so easy to make, so healthy and delicious, and you could swap the chicken for any protein you have on hand: pork, beef, shrimp or tofu.
Catherine Roscoe Barr, BSc Neuroscience, is a Vancouver-based writer, editor, and fitness professional. Before settling on the west coast she lived in Sydney, Toronto, Oregon, Montana, and practically everywhere in Alberta. She can be found jogging with her adorable dog, dining with her fabulous husband or voraciously reading anywhere comfy.