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Burgers are the quintessential summer meal. Grill up these easy chicken burgers, top with crisp lettuce, juicy pineapple and gooey mozza, and serve in a healthy whole wheat bun
Burgers are the quintessential summer meal and this chicken version is a healthy option
I still have no BBQ but that can’t stop me from making burgers because I’ve got an electric grill. These chicken burgers are really quick and easy to make, and the fresh pineapple adds a special summery pop of flavour – not to mention a good dose of manganese and vitamin C.
Years ago, my friend Jen showed me how to pick a perfect pineapple and her method has been so fail-proof that I’ve picked a perfect one every time. The bottom two rows of scales on the pineapple should be a warm yellow, almost orange, the rest of the scales should be green-boardering-on-yellow, and it should have a nice, ripe pineapple-y smell. That’s it, easy peasy!
Click here to watch a video on how to peel and cut a pineapple.
Based on Canada’s Food Guide recommendations, this meal serves 6.
Catherine Roscoe Barr, BSc Neuroscience, is a Vancouver-based writer, editor, and fitness professional. Before settling on the west coast she lived in Sydney, Toronto, Oregon, Montana, and practically everywhere in Alberta. She can be found jogging with her adorable dog, dining with her fabulous husband or voraciously reading anywhere comfy.