BC Living
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Each week, BCLiving takes you inside one of the most outrageously upmarket real estate offerings in the province
Address: 2555 East 40th Avenue, Vancouver
MLS: R2143022
Price: $6,800,000
The skinny: Four-bedroom, four-bathroom, 4,453-square-foot house on a 9,240-square-foot lot in Collingwood.
The bling: Who says you have to go west to live like a king? An East Van address can be just as pricey, just as prestigious. No? You don’t believe it? Look at this multimillion-dollar home, advertised as one of the biggest houses on one of the biggest lots in East Vancouver. Never heard of Collingwood? Well, now is the time to venture out and conquer new territories. In these times of floor-to-ceiling Italian marble, custom millwork and in-home spas, it’s frankly refreshing to see a house that wears its individuality so proud (and so loud). Dating from those oh-so-tasteful 1980s, this dwelling revels in its Spanish Colonial Revival style, with its rows of stucco arches and red-tiled roof. Add a little imagination, and you’ll be instantly transported to a sun-baked hacienda, margarita in hand. Then cool off in the delightfully minimalist kidney-shaped pool while counting all the millions you saved with this provocatively unfashionable purchase. Now, just to figure out how to convince your less pioneering friends they can risk the drive east of Granville to visit.
The hidden extras: Views of the North Shore mountains, lots of parking.