BC Living
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Nature’s Pharmacy: 8 Herbal Boutiques in BC
How Barre Enhances Your Flexibility
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Inviting the Steller’s Jay to Your Garden
6 Budget-friendly Holiday Decor Pieces
Dream Home: $8 Million for a Modern Surprise
Getaways for busy entrepreneurs
Exploring Vancouver’s Top Wellness Spas
Local Getaway: Hide Away at a Lakefront Cabin in Nakusp
7 Beauty and Wellness Influencers to Follow in BC
B.C. Adventures: Things to Do in January
Making Spirits Bright: Where to See Holiday Lights Around B.C.
9 Essential Winter Beauty and Skincare Products
5 Books You’ll Want to Cozy up to This Winter
The Best Gifts for Homebodies in 2024
Q: Will spreading lime on my lawn help with moss and sour ground (acid)?
Here, on the West Coast where rain is very plentiful, our soils are naturally acidic, which is one of the contributing factors to moss developing on lawns. Use dolomite lime or prilled lime (“Dolopril”) as per the recommended rate on the bag. Also, you can test the pH of your soil either with a quick test (available at your local nursery or garden centre) or by sending a soil sample to a soil lab for a more detailed analysis. This will remove a lot of the guesswork!