Sustainable Landscaping Tips

How to choose the right plants, be waterwise, control pests and nurture wildlife

Follow these steps for a healthy, sustainable garden

Choosing Plants

  • Select plants appropriate to your garden’s conditions
  • Consider hours of sunlight, moisture levels, proximity to buildings and competing plants
  • When plant shopping, ask about mature heights and spreads to allow adequate space
  • Match the plant’s specific needs with the level of care you’re willing to provide

Waterwise Thinking

  • Water less frequently, but more deeply to encourage roots to grow into soils that are more moist
  • Collect rain water in barrels or watering cans
  • Mulch garden beds
  • Water in the morning to prevent evaporation
  • Improve drainage to prevent pooling or excessive runoff
  • Reduce lawn areas where unnecessary and replant with perennial or shrub beds

2010 Healthy Garden Guide

More on sustainable gardening >

Pest Management

  • Identify pests and diseases before selecting a control: garden centre staff can help you with this, and provide you with organic and least-toxic options
  • Use organic fertilizers, soil additives or compost to reduce chemical fertilizer applications
  • Add plants that attract beneficial insects

Wildlife Habitats

  • Include native plant species where suitable to the garden environment
  • Add flowering, nectar-producing plants for insects, birds and butterflies
  • Place a bird bath, pond or other water source for wildlife
  • Vary the height and density of plantings to create a diverse habitat

Renata Triveri owns Greenbridge Horticultural Advantage, a communications company serving the green industry. Reprinted with permission from Home Makeover Magazine.