Mulch Mix for Summer Blooms

Healthy perennials live longer and are stronger when divided.

Credit: Courtesy of Heritage Perennials

1 bag Sea Soil
1 bag mushroom manure
1 cup (250 mL) organic granular fertilizer
1 cup (250 mL) bone meal
1 cup (250 mL) lime
3 shovelfuls compost or leaf mould

Increase the vibrancy and abundance of blooms and enhance the deep-green foliage of your perennials by fertilizing them correctly with this mulch specifically designed to boost summer-blooming perennials. Healthy perennials live longer, are stronger when divided, and are more disease and pest resistant. Mulching also has the bonus of shading the roots, which conserves water and reduces soil compaction. It also reduces mid-summer weeding by suppressing the germination of weed seeds. Apply mulch in late spring, after the soil has warmed, and give it a boost in the summer, to allow your perennials to enjoy the full benefits of the nutrients, beneficial bacteria and microorganisms.

Spread a 5-cm (2-in.) layer around perennials.


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