BC Living
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Nature’s Pharmacy: 8 Herbal Boutiques in BC
How Barre Enhances Your Flexibility
Top Tips for Workout Recovery
Inviting the Steller’s Jay to Your Garden
6 Budget-friendly Holiday Decor Pieces
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Getaways for busy entrepreneurs
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Local Getaway: Hide Away at a Lakefront Cabin in Nakusp
7 Beauty and Wellness Influencers to Follow in BC
B.C. Adventures: Things to Do in January
Making Spirits Bright: Where to See Holiday Lights Around B.C.
9 Essential Winter Beauty and Skincare Products
5 Books You’ll Want to Cozy up to This Winter
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Leaves make for great and sustainable mulch for your yard
Collect loose leaves from your yard and turn them into mulch
In the back of your beds, simply leave them where they fall to add nourishment to the soil as they break down, along with natural protection from the cold. (Just remember not to bury evergreen perennials, such as sedums and candytuft. Also, don’t cover too heavily over areas with small spring bulbs, like winter aconites and anemones, or they might not make it through the mulch in spring.)