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Be sure to use the best, freshest tomatoes you can for this recipe for canning tomatoes.
• One-quart canning jars • Fresh tomatoes • Lemon juice • Fresh basil leaves
1. To sterilize canning jars, place in a large canner and boil for 20 minutes. Just before use, place seals in a boiling water bath for at least five minutes to sterilize them and create a tight seal.
2. Wash tomatoes. Place in a large pot of boiling water for about 1 minute to loosen skins. Remove tomatoes from water and peel away the skins. Remove the core and seeds, or use the tomatoes whole.
3. Place 2 tbsp. (30 mL) lemon juice in each freshly sterilized jar. Add 2 to 6 basil leaves, depending on your love of basil (or omit it altogether).
4. Drop as many peeled tomatoes as you can into each jar, along with their juice. Pack them in tightly, using a spatula or knife to remove any air bubbles. Leave 1⁄4 in. (0.6 cm) space at the top of the jar.
5. Wipe rim of each jar clean. Place a freshly sterilized seal and ring over each, ensuring a tight fit. Place jars into the canner, ensuring an inch (2.5 cm) or more of water covers the tops of the jars. Process/boil for 45 minutes. Remove from canner and store in a cool, dark cupboard.