Bolting beets

Don't wait! Put them to good use now.

Credit: Carol Pope

Carol leaps to culinary action when her beets start to bolt

When my beets started to bolt in the August heat, it was out with them! We quickly picked them all and put them to good use.

The beets—a collection of many colours as we grew them from West Coast Seeds’ “Beet Blend” mix—were beautiful steamed and served with dinner. Meanwhile, all the fresh organic tops were chopped and served raw with a honey-mustard dressing, with any that looked a little rough being tossed into the soup stock pot.

We’ve started more beets now for our fall/winter garden—and these should hopefully be bolt-free in the cooler fall weather.

Harvesting beets Beets in soup stock
Bolting? Get them out quick! Soup’s on!