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Interior designer Tamara Wouters shares how to create a stunning succulent centrepeice in six easy steps
Choose a shallow vessel and line the bottom with foam bricks, which you can purchase from a florist or craft store; cut to fit snugly inside the vessel.
*Vancouver’s Chintz & Co. has a great selection of faux succulents, says designer Tamara Wouters. The lime-green bulbs are a seasonal accent that can easily be removed after the holidays, so the centrepiece has year-round staying power.
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Place faux-succulent plant picks into the foam, starting from the centre and working your way outwards.
Continue adding succulents, alternating various colours, sizes and textures of plants to create visual interest.
Choose a combination of matte and shiny ornaments (these will reflect light) in colours that coordinate with the overall.
Secure the bulbs to the foam or succulents with wire hooks. Tuck a few ornaments among the greenery without overwhelming the succulents.
View the vessel from all sides to make sure the foam is completely covered; make adjustments if needed. Mission accomplished!