Treatment Options for an Overactive Bladder

Nature’s call is a perfectly normal bodily function. But if your bladder always feels full, you might need treatment for an overactive bladder

If you’re spending too much time here, you might be suffering from an overactive bladder

Nature’s call is a perfectly normal bodily function. But if your bladder always feels full, you might need treatment

And when the urge to urinate comes with abnormal frequency and urgency, it can be a major problem.

Overactive bladder is a condition where the large muscle in the bladder (detrusor) contracts more often than usual, leading to a sudden and frequent need to urinate even when the bladder is virtually empty. In Canada, one in five adults over age 35 suffers from some degree of overactive bladder.

Symptoms of an Overactive Bladder


Strong and sudden need to urinate

  • Need to urinate more than eight times in 
24 hours

  • Waking up at least twice a night to urinate
Incontinence or involuntary loss of urine

Several factors can cause the problem, but only a thorough exam by a doctor will confirm the diagnosis.

Overactive Bladder Treatment 

  • Kegel exercises (regular exercises of the pelvic muscles) to help increase muscle strength
  • Bladder training – scheduling bathroom breaks, and then slowly increasing the time between breaks

  • Electrical stimulation of the right muscle group to help increase muscle strength
  • Limiting fluid intake
  • Avoiding caffeine, carbonated drinks, alcohol and spicy food
  • Maintaining a healthy weight to avoid extra pressure on the bladder
  • In severe cases, medications or surgery may be needed

It’s very important to note that these symptoms are similar to those experienced with bladder infections and urinary stones. If you’re constantly on the run, see your doctor for a proper assessment to determine the cause and the appropriate treatment for the problem.

Originally published in Wellness Matters, Canada Wide Media’s quarterly newsletter on health and wellness.