What to Watch: Mon, June 18

Discovery's newest documentary series follows the escapades of an ex-Marine and the motorcycle club that he runs

Credit: Discovery

The Devils Ride’s most prominent personality, ex-Marine Gipsy

The Devils Ride (New Series)
6 p.m. & 11 p.m., Discovery
If you can’t wait for the next season of Sons of Anarchy to begin, check out this insightful new documentary series that chronicles the exploits of the Laffing Devils motorcycle club, run by an ex-Marine named Gipsy. When pressure from the cops necessitates a search for a new clubhouse, Gispy searches for new sources of legal income while keeping a close eye on his second-in-command, Billy the Kid, who thinks he deserves the top spot.

6 p.m. & 11 p.m., Space
Fanboy darling Summer Glau (Firefly) guest stars as Skylar, an Alpha who needs protection from the others after she becomes a government target because of her unique and dangerous powers.

White Collar (New Season)
7 p.m. & Midnight, Bravo
While the second season of this drama starring Matt Bomer as a con artist who teams up with an FBI agent (Tim DeKay) aired two years ago in the U.S., we’re finally catching up. In tonight’s season premiere, the crime-fighting duo goes on the hunt for an elusive high-profile bank robber.

Nurse Jackie (Season Finale)
8 p.m. & 11 p.m., MC1
It’s tough to say how much this critically acclaimed dark comedy starring Edie Falco as a pill-popping nurse will change now that series creators Liz Brixius and Linda Wallem have announced they’re stepping away from the show next season, so here’s your last chance to see the show under original management.

The Glass House (New Series)
10:02 p.m., CTV & ABC
In this new interactive game show, home viewers can utilize social media to influence the outcome of this Big Brother-style competition in which 14 strangers are locked inside a state-of-the-art glass house, competing in challenges until being sent home one at a time. Expect the usual collection of wannabe actors, part-time bartenders and full-time narcissists.