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May is a good month for art fans, with several exciting exhibits opening in Vancouver
One of the most anticipated art exhibits of the year is The Show at Emily Carr University, featuring more than 300 works from this year’s Design, Media and Visual Arts graduates. The Show will include a screening of Four Years Rendering, student films by Animation and Film/Video + Integrated Media students, which will screen in a variety of formats, venues and dates.
Exhibit Details: From May 5-19, at the Emily Carr University of Art + Design, North and South Buildings, 1399 Johnston Street, Granville Island, Vancouver. Exhibit hours are 10 pm to 6 pm daily. Check online for more details about the exhibit.
Opening Details: The exhibit opens on Saturday, May 4 from 5-10 pm. The premiere screening of Four Years Rendering takes place on Sunday, May 5, at the Rio Theatre, 1660 East Broadway, Vancouver.
Tamara Phillips’ art is inspired by the raw beauty of the natural world, resonating cellular life and ethereal wildness. Her detailed watercolour paintings are woven together in earth tones and play with iridescence.
She draws from her subconscious, and her fascination with the overlays between myth, dream, intuition and reality, and filters it through her affection for nature and her background in biology. The results are deliciously captivating ethereal paintings.
Exhibit Details: The exhibit runs from May 8 to July 2 at the District Foyer Gallery, District Hall of North Vancouver, 355 West Queens Road. Hours: Monday to Friday 8:00 am to 4:30 pm.
Opening Details: Don’t miss the opening reception on Thursday, May 9, from 6:30-8:30 pm.
Using local hardwoods such as maple, birch, and walnut, David Wagner creates one-of-a-kind artistic pieces, vessels, bowls, and platters.
Wagner’s preference for fluid shapes and his careful selection of grain and burls within the wood contribute to the uniqueness of the pieces by providing natural patterns, colours and depths.
Recently, he has been adding vibrant colours by incorporating dyes and stains. Ultimately, he allows the wood to dictate the esthetic of the finished piece, enabling the natural beauty of the grain to shine through.
This exhibit is a retrospective and collaborative project based on Background / Vancouver, a photomapping expedition of Vancouver by Michael de Courcy, Taki Bluesinger, Gerry Gilbert, and Glenn Lewis undertaken on October 30, 1972.
These four artists walked three separate paths documenting their experiences in photographs. Forty years later to the day – on October 30, 2012 – Vancouver artists Emilio Rojas, Guadalupe Martinez, and Igor Santizo recapitulated this conceptual project. These three artists came together to forge a new fourth path that intersects with the original paths to revisit ideas about Vancouver’s identity and history.
grunt gallery will be exhibiting the original photomural conceived and produced by Michael de Courcy as part of an ongoing photographic documentary project of Vancouver’s artists collective, Intermedia Society.
Several multi-media and performance-based projects by Emilio Rojas, Guadalupe Martinez, and Igor Santizo will be concurrently exhibited at grunt.
Subsequent artist talks and panels will take place in May following the opening exhibition to help inform an ongoing discourse. Discussions held at these meetings will contribute to the Web-based component of this project, which will be launched on October 30, 2013.
Exhibit Details: The exhibit runs from May 10 to June 8, at grunt gallery, 350 East 2nd Avenue, Vancouver, BC (look for the red sign). Gallery hours: Tuesday to Saturday, from 12-5 pm.
Opening Details: The opening reception takes place Friday, May 10, from 7-10 pm.
The graduating class from the Textile Arts Program at Capilano University explores a range of approaches and techniques to textile arts in their opening exhibit.
Included are art pieces on the wall, installations, garments meant to be worn, and objects used in the home. They express a variety of social and ecological concerns.
This year the focus is on works that are transformative, or tell personal stories visually or in abstract/symbolic ways.
Exhibit Details: From May 16 to June 8 at the CityScape Community Art Space 335 Lonsdale Ave., North Vancouver. Gallery hours are Tuesday to Saturday, 12-5 pm. More details will be posted in the online catalogue soon.
Opening Details: The opening reception takes place on Thursday May 16, from 7-9 pm. On Saturday, May 18th at 2 pm, artists will be at the gallery to discuss the works in the exhibition.
This exhibit features sculpture works by a new generation of artists returning to craft methodologies as a means of re-invigorating craft while bringing an intellectual rigour to the objects they make. Connections with the familiar lead the way to a change in perspective.
BC Connections: Jen Aitken and Julie York both earned their BFAs from Emily Carr and Julie York is currently a faculty member at Emily Carr.
Exhibit Details: Ongoing until June 9 at the Richmond Art Gallery, 7700 Minoru Gate, Richmond, BC.
Gallery hours are Monday to Friday, 10 am to 6 pm, Thursday until 9 pm, and weekends 10 am to 5 pm. The Richmond Art Gallery has many special events planned, including Richmond Doors Open 2013 on May 4. Check the website for more details.
This major exhibit was conceived by independent curator and writer Jennifer M. Volland and created exclusively for the Vancouver Art Gallery.
This exhibit explores the status and role of the hotel in contemporary culture through four themes – Travel, Design, Culture, Social – and offers something for just about everyone, featuring a history of the Canadian Pacific hotel chain, scale models that provide a timeline of hotel design, references to major works of art and culture inspired or created in hotels, plus a cool gift shop.
This exhibit started online in 2011 with a blog, and continues with the exhibition, a book and a series of public events.
Exhibit Details: Ongoing until September 15, at the Vancouver Art Gallery, 750 Hornby Street, Vancouver, BC. Gallery hours are daily 10 am to 6 pm, and Tuesdays until 9 pm.
May Art Openings