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Local Travel Doesn't Get More Authentic Than This
Aboriginal Tourism BC (AtBC) is your portal into British Columbia’s one-of-a-kind Aboriginal travel and culinary experiences. From sleeping in teepees under soaring Kootenay summits, to chowing down on gourmet riffs on ancient dishes, spend the summer getting to know the rich culture that is the foundation of B.C.’s rich history—and its radiant future.
AtBC is a non-profit, stakeholder-based organization that is committed to growing and promoting a sustainable, culturally rich Aboriginal tourism industry. Our vision is a healthy, prosperous, strong, respectful and dynamic Aboriginal tourism industry sharing authentic high quality experiences that exceed visitor expectations.
Our mission is to contribute to the preservation of Aboriginal culture and advancement of economic development through information resources, networking opportunities and co-operative marketing programs. AtBC is a one-stop resource for First Nations entrepreneurs and communities in British Columbia who are operating or looking to start a tourism business.
AtBC works closely with tourism, business, education and government organizations to help B.C.’s Aboriginal tourism businesses offer quality experiences and actively promotes these experiences—from international visitors to local residents.
The long-term goal is to support, facilitate and promote the growth and sustainability of a quality and culturally rich Aboriginal tourism industry in British Columbia.