Vancouver Celebs Share Their New Year’s Resolutions

Some familiar faces express how they plan to improve their lives in 2014

Credit: Global

Sophie Lui – Co-Anchor, Global BC Morning News

“I resolve to get cracking on my 2013 resolutions. As soon as I remember what those were.”

Claire Newell – Travel Media Expert

“This year my New Year’s resolution is to commit to exercising at least twice a week for 30 minutes or more. In 2013 I did a Pilates class for an hour and I managed to stick to it. This year I want to add in one other day doing some kind of exercise. I just hate sweating and find it so hard to get myself motivated to do a workout, but I always feel better after I do it. And as I get older I know it is more important to stay fit, flexible and strong. Now that I have actually told everyone, I hope it will make me more accountable.”

Dawn Chubai – BreakfastTelevision Host

“Instead of the usual ‘Lose Weight’ or ‘Clear up the Clutter,’ my personal resolution will be one of accepting myself just as I am. Often we afford complete strangers a level of kindness and acceptance that we just don’t consider for ourselves. I can’t help but think taking that pressure off will somehow lead to a whole other level of happiness and, in turn, have some sort of trickle-down effect.”

Credit: Global

Steve Darling – Co-Anchor, Global BC Morning News

“My resolution is to appreciate my wife even more than I do now. She is the glue that keeps our family together: an amazing mom, incredible wife and the best organizer in the world.”

Coleen Christie – CTV Anchor

“Reduce stress, period. My goal for 2014 is to finally learn and practice the fine art of ‘working smart.’ It’s not in my nature, but I plan to try very hard. (Irony) Throw in a few more yoga classes, some meditation and I should be able to stave off a myriad of ills. Wish me luck. I wish you a very Happy New Year!”

Robin Gill – Weekend Anchor, BC Correspondent, Global National

“I don’t do resolutions. I prefer to call them mission statements and I usually form them on my birthday, which is the start of the year for me. This year my mission is to be more chill  . . . take time off to have brunches and lunches with friends rather than jetting off somewhere. Not that I won’t still travel, but to take me-time.”

Kristi Gordon – Meteorologist, BC1, Early News BC, News Hour BC

“My New Year’s resolution for 2014 includes the typical ones… exercise more and spend less. But most importantly, I would like to get outside more often! I want to make time to hike, bike and play street hockey with my son!”

Susie Wall – Vancouver Fashion Reporter, CTV’s eTalk and The Province

“I’ll continue to buy local and to champion our style and design communities; to maintain my green breakfast smoothie obsession; to eat way more salted dark chocolate; and I promise to put a complete ban on myself from watching Sons of Anarchy right before I go to bed.”